Harry Potter and-the Goblet of fire Tamil:
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire-Tamil Dub English Movie-Watch Online
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint,Emma Watson
Music:Patrick Doyle
Direction:Mike Newell
Release Year:2005

Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fourth year, where the Trizwizard tournament is becoming ready to begin. Students must be over 17 to enter, with the winner receiving eternal glory. Harry can't enter it this year...or can he. When his name is read out from the Goblet of Fire, everyone assumes that Harry Potter has cheated. Harry insists that he never placed his name in there, with someone else behind it. But Who? Harry must now survive through dragons, sea creatures and a terrifying maze, all before coming face-to-face with a particular dark wizard.
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